At Angus Pastoral Company, we say in every sense Australia because this is beef that awakens the senses. Distinct in flavour, succulent to the palate, Angus Pastoral company presents beautifully on the plate – juicy, tender and vital, offering a fullness of body and colour that is unique to the global market place.
The land on which it was raised
Australia is a land of wide horizons and vast cattle stations. From the crystal clear waters and natural beauty of our nursery, “Carpentaria Downs” to the fertile floodplains of “Kimberley” our country forms the essence of our beef.
The cattle that produce it.
Decades of selection, years of nurturing each animal, months of finely adjusted nutrition and finally weeks of ageing comes down to one moment of savouring. Flavour is the reward of patience. Maturity gives our beef deep flavour and enhanced marbling. A consistent flavour that is defined by the unique and pristine environment in which these cattle were raised. Flavour that gives this beef a sense of place.
In the Angus family animal welfare is not a “certifiable process.” It is a tradition, a culture and a way of life. A respect gained through generations of working with cattle every day. Cattle willingly following a stockman on his horse just because they understand is just one of the marks of respect between man and animal.
We often see people try to reduce a brand to a breed, or days on feed, “Wagyu 400 or Angus 150”. To us that’s like reducing a bottle of wine to “it’s a 2 yr old Shiraz”. Our brands are so much more. Our animals are selected over generations for the fineness of their hair to predict the fineness of texture in the meat. Skilled cattlemen develop the breeding herd to deliver the same cut size and shape, time after time. We’ve developed one of Australia’s only on farm export accredited abattoirs, hand crafting each cut using age old techniques, a respect for each curious cut from nose to tail. Sustainability after all is a pretty low target, at Angus Pastoral it’s about constant improvement, land, cattle, people, beef.
The people who nurtured it

The strength of our company is that the cattle come first. We don’t follow the latest trend or fashion. We don’t simply blend cattle from far and wide into branded cartons on a production line. Angus Pastoral Company is authentic. Each carton is not just a pretty picture, it is a stamp of commitment from cattlemen and women with a true passion for their product. Reflections of dedication to excellence from the very source.
From humble beginnings supplying a local butcher shop to a global market place the Angus Family are proud to stand behind our beef.